Patterns designed and painted by Marika Moretti; E-Pattern includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.
Palette DecoArt Americana
Antique Maroon Payne's Grey
Antique White Prussian Blue
Avocado Raspberry
Avocado Dip Raw Sienna
Burnt Sienna Sable Brown
Burnt Umber Sand
Camel Soft Black
Coral Blush Soft Heather
Hauser Dark Green Spicy Mustard
Hauser Medium Green Traditional Burnt Umber
Honey Brown Warm White
Lamp Black Watermelon Slice
Light Buttermilk Wedgewood Blue
Milk Chocolate Williamsburg Blue
Additional supplies: Multi Purpose Sealer (optional), transfer paper, graphite paper (black and white),
stylus, paper palette, sanding paper, Super Film, glue, a piece of sponge (the sponge used for washing dishes
Jo Sonja Sure Touch - Angular series 1345: ¼”, ¾”, ½”, 3/8”
Round series 1350 # 0, 2
Filbert (for basecoating) series 1385 # 10
Liner series 1360 script #18/0
Liner series 1365 script #0
Loew Cornelle - Maxine Mop – ¾”, ½”, 3/8”
Script Liner series 7050 # 10/0
Fabric Dye # 2 e 6
Ultra round series 7020 #6 (or a round #6 o 8)
Flat 1”