Kayak Sport skeg knob and setscrew for skeg systems used on TideRace, Tahe, and Rebel Kayaks.
Note photo of the complete control unit is shown just for reference of what the system this knob is used in looks like.
The set screw originally had a #0 Philips head, but it now comes with a #10 Star driver head. The Philips head was easy to strip so this is an improvement though it means you have to get out a Star drive bit set.
Tip: the “mushroom cap” part of the knob that sticks out is all solid plastic and you can cut off most of it so there is less to catch your thumb on when paddling. Leave about 1/8" of the cap to give yourself enough to grip and round off the corners with a file or sandpaper. We’ve done this on ours kayaks to minimize banging a thumb on it and to reduce the chance of accidentally deploying the skeg when your hand brushes by the control unit. Grip the knob in a vise and use a hack saw or saber saw. Then sand it to smooth the new edges and make it look acceptable.